Canada's comprehensive local food directory.

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About Local Food Canada

Local Food Canada

The purpose of Local Food Canada is to connect people with local food to build healthier and more sustainable communities. Our aim is to benefit the entire community: those seeking local food, food producers, as well as organizations involved in the local food system such as farmers' markets, food retailers, related local organizations, and community gardens. We know our activities will also benefit those not directly involved with local food through strengthening the local economy and supporting a healthier ecosystem.

Having started a local food directory for the area surrounding Kingston, Ontario in 2020 called "Modern Locavore" in 2020, we saw how hard it was for local foodies to find local food in their area beyond the obvious hotspots like farmers' markets. By presenting the vast array of food producers in one directory, it helps bring attentions to the incredible small farms that may have been overlooked previously.

We hope that Local Food Canada helps you, whether you're a food eater, food producer, or both!