Canada's comprehensive local food directory.

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Advertise with Local Food Canada

Reach a wide audience of
Canada's local foodies

Local Food Canada offers a variety of advertising options to promote your business to a targetted group of potential customers interested in local food across Canada.


Advertisements are billed quarterly (every three months). A single three-month quarter is the minimum advertisement period.


billed at $300 quarterly

Your ad is shown on every page and listing (excluding premium listings).

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billed at $150 quarterly

Your ad is shown on every page and listing within your province of choice (excluding premium listings).

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billed at $75 quarterly

Your ad is shown on every page and listing within your region of choice (excluding premium listings).

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Sidebar Ad

This is a sample of what your sidebar ad could look like on Local Food Canada.

Your Business Name
Your Business Type

Your Business Name

A brief call to action.

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How it Works

Site-Wide Advertisements

Is your business relevant to local foodies all across the country? A site-wide advertisement is the best choice for you! A site-wide advertisement appears above the site footer on every single public-facing page on the site.

Province / Region-Specific Advertisements

If you run a local or regional business, you can target specific provinces (e.g. Ontario) or regions (e.g. Ottawa) with an ad above the footer on every page in that section, or a sidebar ad that appears on every listing page in your defined area.

Ready to get started?

If you have any questions or would like to create an ad on Local Food Canada, get in touch today!

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